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Meditation, Meditation Tips

Easy Tip For Breathing Meditation

Copyright 2011. Roberta Shapiro, M.Ed. All rights reserved.

One of the biggest challenges I see in my patients when they come in for therapy sessions at my private Miami Beach practice, is that most of them do not think meditation is attainable. In fact, some are out right resistant to it. I tried to think of a way to break through that barrier, I tried this short but easy tip with them, and I’ve seen a great deal in change of attitude in many of my patients. I sincerely this helps you too.

To begin the process of breathing mediation, try this out:

Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and simply be aware of your breath. Follow it in and out. Don’t purposely try to breath; try to avoid consciously altering your breathing; as your breathing process happens follow it naturally, the point is, don’t force the process of breathing. If you get lost in thought, that’s ok, just return to your breath.

Some of my patients have told me that this is a very refreshing form of meditation- 20 minutes can feel like a night’s sleep. You may also try this out if you’re emotionally upset.


About The Calming Collection

As a therapist in Miami Beach for over twenty years and the author of several books and a sleep meditation CD, I have come up with ideas, strategies, tips and solutions to manage all types of anxiety: sleep problems, panic attacks, general anxiety, stress and so on. My goal is to help people find practical ways to find peace, tranquility and serenity in their lives.


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